Nourish that is here to provide you with information to support you in your life purpose. Ideally in our lives we can build up Maslow’s hierarchy to self-actualisation and self-transcendence- your highest self, your best you, alignment, true happiness, samadhi, unity. Do those words cause any kind of reaction? Do you feel an icky or prickly feeling recognising that those words are marketed to you as the promise IF: you take that course, buy that product, read the book, take the pill, get the shiny thing?

And yet, that goal is precisely the ultimate state we are searching for in religion and spirituality. In Buddhism it is Enlightenment or Nirvana. In Hinduism, Moksha. In Islam and Christianity it is Salvation. In Taoism, the Tao or the Way. Can we actually reach these states as regular humans? Maybe. That is a question for the wise ones. Is it a good idea to be über driven and focussed on this goal? Maybe. That is for you to decide.

There are no shortcuts to self-actualisation and self-transcendence. But, nourishment is something which is available to you, in the here and now. Nourishment in body, mind, and spirit, in ways harmonious with our Earth, is necessary for deeper work. This is the reason why all spiritual texts speak to and make recommendations for full spectrum living.

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As in the above image, we are reimaging and revisiting Maslow’s hierarchy. We must have our base needs met to be able to follow our path of life purpose and move further up the pyramid. Of course in reality, life is not so linear as this, and is really more of a series of spirals. But that makes for a more confusing graphic so we shall continue with this metaphor.

Here we conclude our discussion and exploration of life purpose through these last 6 articles. Scroll down on the Homepage to see the 6 laid out if you like. It made sense to start here so that the path is clear before you.

For our next series, we will be diving back into the base physiological needs (food, water, shelter, sleep, oxygen, sex), adding one more: medicine(!); and providing you with information about how not to just meet those needs, but find nourishment, and really create a sense of safety and groundedness on which to build your life.