the path to nourishment
Here is something radical:
You do not need to fix or optimise or hack anything about yourself or change anything in your life.
You do not need to buy anything to be “better”
Particularly if you are living in a Western or westernised society, chances are that the odds are stacked (ever) against you, preventing you from being truly nourished.
This society is built on a hierarchy where money is valued over all else as a means to acquire and exert power. In order to keep the system going, people must be clambering to make money and gain power, and do so by spending their money and their most precious resource: time (labour). *Cue the hamster wheel*
A study published in 2010 out of Princeton University showed that in the United States, happiness increases with income up to a threshold of $75,000, but after that, there is no progressive increase. In 2020, after inflation, that’s about $89,000. You can read the original study here. So money can buy happiness, but up to a point. In psychology research, the focus is shifting to subjective wellbeing (SWB) as an indicator of basically, success, at being a human. Interesting.
Draining one’s time, energy, and resources can lead to physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual depletion, which no amount of Netflix, CBD oil, or sheet masks can fix.
So, how do we feel nourished? Do we all move to Costa Rica or go build our own societies in the little wilderness we have left? Maybe, or maybe not. For you to pick (back) up the path to nourishment, first it helps to open your eyes (all three!) and get very clear on your purpose.
Let’s dive into purpose on the next post.